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Hey y'all...Amy here! I'm just a small town southern in a lonely world. Yeah I know... incredibly cheesy, I couldn't resist! ;) not so much a lonely world....but a world far far from home!
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday...

Hey y'all....sorry I have been M-I-A for a few days.  I had a super busy Sunday that led over into the work week. glad today is Wednesday!  Today is just a random mish-mash of what I'm loving....and...some of what I am not! :)
What I am loving...

That one of my dear friends from SC is coming for a visit and will be here tomorrow evening! WHOOP WHOOP
That the above statement means.....tomorrow is my "Friday"!!!!
Labor Day! (Thank the Lord for Federal Holidays that lead to....really long weekends!)
Wal-Dryl Anti-Itch Cream.... (you will understand later in this post)
The Hunger Games DVD!.... I may have been a dork...and spent my evening last night just watching the special features... Don't Judge! :)
That my I can finally see the top of my desk at work.... operation get crap done and organized underway!
Two Words....Michael Phelps! mmmm ;)
Michael Phelps
The following are things that I'm not so fond things that really bug the crap out of me!
These little nasty bugs called chiggers or also know to some down south in the Pee Dee as Red Bugs!  Let me tell you... we have a HATE-HATE relationship and it never seems to end.  Amy goes outside near any tall grass...Amy ends up with Chiggers...its a never ending cycle and it SUCKS!  And lucky me my job requires me to spend a pretty good amount of time trapezing around this stuff called Prairie Grass...and you know what else lives in this there...TICKS...both of these nasty little creatures are like tiny kamikaze attackers!  Needless to say I will have my tube of Wal-Dryl nearby to keep the incessant itching at bay.  OK I'm stepping off my soap box now! :)
When the house you are renting is for sale.... :( 
This Drought!!!
 Well that's about all I have in me for today! I hope you didn't mind the randomness! 

amy signature


  1. Amy love. I have chigger bites all over my legs! I want to blame you but I can since were are 16 hours apart~! Blotting clorox with cotton ball on my bite is the only way I have found relief! SO happy you have a SC friend coming to visit you!

  2. I hate red bug bites. It's been a while since I've had to deal with them though. I'm from SC, so I hope you enjoy your visit from your SC friend. :)
